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18 marca 2013 członek EKES, pan Krzysztof Pater odwiedzi naszą szkołę. W czasie sesji informacyjnej i debaty nasi uczniowie i nauczyciele będą mieli możliwość uzyskania wielu interesujących informacji na temat UE, programów unijnych dla młodzieży i przedyskutować polityczne priorytety oraz działania Europejskiego Komitetu Społeczno-Ekonomicznego.
It’s about Europe, it’s about YoUth!
2013 is an exciting year for ‘Your Europe, Your Say!’ – the annual event that gives school pupils and their teachers the opportunity to put their views to European Union decision-makers. Why? Because 2013 is the European Year of Citizens. ‘It’s about Europe, it’s about you’ is the motto for the year. At the European Economic and Social Committee, it is also about YoUth!
This year we are also involved and have been consulted by the EESC.
We follow all the ‘YEYS’ preparations via their website and make contact with other young people around Europe via the Facebook page or Twitter, and we will take the opportunity to launch a debate about the EU within your own school.
On the 18th March, the EESC member, Mr K. Pater will visit our school to explain more about the EU, and find out what our students think about it. We will have the opportunity to tell how Europe should look and which draft EESC political priorities for 2013-2015 are the most important for us.
In Brussels, the incoming Committee President will take account of our views when setting out the working programme for the EESC for the next years.
'Your Europe, Your Say!' has proved an unforgettable experience for us two years ago, when taking part, we have discovered new friends all over Europe. Now, we are happy to join it again.
Ina Wawro-Jastrzębska